If you are only interested in saving the MIDI content of a Clip as a standard MIDI file, instead of dragging the Clip onto the browser just right click on the MIDI Clip and choose "Export MIDI Clip. If devices or effects are already present on the track, only the content of the Clip (MIDI notes for a MIDI clip, the sample and its settings for an Audio Clip) will be loaded: the track retains any currently loaded devices and effects. Importing a clip to a track with existing devices Any devices present in the clip are loaded as well. Well also look at saving and submitting your sessions, devices, MIDI drums, and MIDI synths.
This action will create a new track (MIDI or Audio, depending on the Clip type) and will load the selected Clip into the first slot of this new track. In this lesson, Im going to demonstrate how to get set up in Live, whether you have an audio interface or just your computer. The file manager helps organize all the files you work with in Live: Samples, Movies, Presets, Live Clips and Live Sets. This will open a panel on the far right of the program display. If you know the folder where the missing files are located, you can click Set Folder to choose that folder and then set the Search Folder option to Yes. It’s what the pros use In Live, go to the menu bar and choose View -> File Manager. Unfold the arrow to the left of Automatic Search. Alternatively you can open File Manager at any time from the View menu. To import a clip, either double click it or drag it from the browser to a track in your set. Open File Manager by clicking the orange status Bar notification. Then you can either click on the "Click to Preview" field, or just hit the right arrow key on your computer keyboard. As with MIDI clips, this saves the device chain, clip settings and any automation. If you're saving an audio clip, Live will manage the copying of the clip’s sample into this new location based on the selection in the Collect Files on Export chooser (Preferences → Library).

If you're saving a MIDI clip, this copies the MIDI pattern and the entire device chain of that track, along with all clip settings and automation.To create a Live Clip, drag any audio or MIDI clip from an open Live set to Live's Browser and drop it into the Current Project, the User Library or any folder in Places. Fixed by removing those warnings entirely.Live Clips allow you to store individual audio or MIDI clips into a single file, along with their respective device chains and settings, which you can use in any of your Live Sets. Fixed a bug that would cause Mode Light and Flicker Reduction warnings to become “un-closeable” after reloading a project. Added support for setting all Project Managers to the same device to save some time Meant to be a springboard for those who are new to Ableton. To download your free trial of Ableton Live visit Try Live for free. In this Ableton Certified Training Center course developed by Berklee Online, you will explore some of Live’s most powerful and useful functionality: MIDI programming, audio recording, warping and processing, looping editing, mixing, performing, file management, and troubleshooting. Fixed the upper half of the RGB > RG conversion profile Live Sets, Racks, presets, Max for Live devices, and anything else you can download and use in Ableton Live. Renamed to Output Manager to keep it simple Allowed MIDI through when no device is selected Used this device to fix an issue with Live 10 where MIDI would freeze on some Launchpads when playback is paused

Added Auto-configure to set all other project manager devices to the same settings in one click Precise scale correction added through performance mode selection Flicker reduction support added for live 10.1.3
Heavily Re-designed UI and simplified code
Added full support for Launchpad Mini MK3
Added full support for Launchpad Pro MK3 and Legacy Mode